Shop more and pay less Free shipping with every order!

Order Fulfilled

You will receive an email from us once your purchase is completed successfully. We recommend that you contact us if there\’s any problems concerning your purchase as fast as you can before it gets to the process stage.


Note: For orders that contain more than one item, processing times will depend on the specific item included.

We\’ll conduct thorough examinations of your items and make sure they are correctly packed prior to shipping. The majority of orders are shipped within less than 24 hour.

If you are experiencing any issues with your purchase or order, you can make a complaint to our Support Center. Our CS team will respond to you within 24 hours.


It can take a few minutes for the tracker\’s number to be displayed. If you\’re not able to locate the data then try again. You can be sure that the estimated shipping date will be the same regardless of any changes to the tracking site.

To ensure that customers have peace of mind to ensure their security, we suggest purchasing an tracking code and shipping insurance prior to the check out process.

Contact Us

If you experience any difficulties in the course of or after delivery, you can call our customer service. They will be able to provide a satisfactory answer.