We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and security. We take your safety online extremely seriously. Our privacy policies are provided below in order to offer you more effective service and educate you of how information is used.

We gather information about you.

You should be aware of the kinds of information that we collect. There are data about your email address, the name or street address of a company, postal code city and country, password, telephone number as well as other information. The information we collect is gathered through a variety of methods. Cookies are the first method used to collect, store and save non-personally identifiable data. Personal identifiable data refers to specific information about you like the number of your credit card or bank account. This information is personal to you.

Information is useful for many reasons.

The same data should not be repeated more than one time.

Find out more about the products, services and more quickly.

Help us identify the most interesting and relevant web content.

Be informed about the most recent news and services.

Registration and ordering

When you sign-up, we will ask for your name, billing and shipping addresses, phone number, and email address. We might also request your credit card number. To comply with the law, you may be asked for your country. These information is required to process your billing and complete your purchase. The data could be used to communicate directly with customers regarding their purchase and website and also for marketing. If we encounter a problem during the process of your order or purchase, we may make use of the information we\’ve collected to reach you.

Email Addresses

Subscribe to our newsletters to be informed of the latest news and offers. We will contact you when you participate in any contest.

3. Privacy Protection

In our normal business practice We don\’t rent or sell private information to companies that do not have a need for it. We employ cutting-edge encryption technology. Every employee is required to sign confidentiality agreements that limit their rights to share information.